I had astrology consultation with Kameliya Simeonova. I am a person who reads a lot about astrology, yet I 'd say, I was able to understand my chart for the first time. It was like the pieces of my chart were flowing together when she was literately narrating the basic dynamics in my life. And just the surprise to realize I have what is needed to hold strong the course of change in my life. Interesting memories came about in support. This was more than a regular astrology session for me, that led to deep insights.

K. Barry
Truly, cannot believe how deep this work is. My regression session with Kameliya was a profound experience. It has taken me years of therapy to advance one inch in comparison to where this one session has taken me. I am putting all the pieces together. I understand it now from so many different perspectives and feel finally free at age 53 to get on with my life. So grateful for this experience!

V. Smith
I sat down for imagery work with Kameliya because I had this anxiety popping out in certain situations in my life where it would get so bad, I would feel uncontrollable tremor in my legs. It was the weirdest thing. All my neuro tests came negative. Never knew images were so alive and telling. Long story short, no tremor in my legs anymore.

S. Guerrero
Thanks to the regression session I had with Kameliya Simeonova, I was able to unblock deeply suppressed memory of a very significant part of an event that happened when I was almost 4 years old that was blocking my life now at 28. I was not aware of the complexity of that memory. I had tried hypnosis in the past, with no results. Kameliya was able to drill down to the core affect and there it showed up... I received so much in the second part of the session where the healing work is done in the "Bardo". The experience brought different angles to consider around life, creation, God...

L. Donnelly