Regression (Deep Memory Process) Session
Any soul healing in its essence is a spiritual healing. If we examine what we call “spirit”, we will find out that spiritual healing aims at re-establishing our true direct connection with the Source of creation, which we have the tendency to call God.
Naturally, the revived connection restores the energy flow between us. That triggers changes in our lives to accommodate this re-generation (energy flow) back into our daily living, which fills our life with meaning, happiness and conscious direction . Another name for this energy is consciousness.
Consciousness cannot be extinguished, as energy cannot be destroyed. Yet, it can suffer various stages of fragmentation. Fragmentation dims our awareness and harnesses our focus of perception away from the energy flow. The diminished energy flow projects into different reality circumstances that keep us circling into a loop. Over prolonged periods of time that looping locks our consciousness into believing that this is the only reality that exists and hence – the only one possible; the only one we deserve. Freeing ourselves from these mind-loop realities is the major focus of the regression work via the method of Deep Memory Process (DMP).
DMP is a present and past life regression work. It does not use hypnosis. It is rather a combination of different approaches to healing: Gestalt, Psychodrama, Spiritual Psychology, Shamanic Healing, the works of Z. Freud, Th. Reik, C. G. Jung, M. Erickson, A. Mindell. The method was created by Roger J. Woolger Ph.D. Oxford scholar and Jungian analyst in the mid 1980’s.

DMP maintains that the reality of the deep self is multidimensional. It acknowledges the energetic nature of our subtle bodies, besides the physical one. It also reveals how each of our energy bodies holds experiences, traumatic ones including, and carries them (in an attempt to heal) from one lifetime vector to the next, as perceived through the illusion of chronological time. Since all time vectors exist within the field of creation, they are also connected with each other.
As a healing method, DMP helps with recovering a vital memory/experience from present or past life that hangs in our field unprocessed and negatively influences our thriving here and now. Besides recovering of the memory, DMP work assists with its processing and integration. The processing of the memory on all body levels requires heightened awareness of all facets of the event: the body sensation, the feelings and emotions, the mental conceptualization, and the spiritual component in terms of the event’s higher meaning. Becoming aware of the experience through all these channels, helps us recover any discrepancies or deficiencies of consciousness that have contributed to the manifestation of the event in the first place. As a result of reaching the deep insight of what had happened and why, the repetitive looping of similar situation and it’s derivatives stops occurring in this life. The energy gets redirected and is not feeding the event any more. The unconscious protective behavior we had adopted in our current life as a consequence of the past experience becomes obsolete: it no longer serves us as it is no longer necessary and naturally dissolves.
The point of the focus of the integration is not so much the actual story revealed in the session, but the meaning of it that fits within a particular “virtue” of consciousness. Often, we get caught up in the “scenery” or the very experience of the other life situation or want to “just see what we were in past life”. That is not a plausible motivation for scheduling a DMP session and I chose not to work with people on that account.
A good reason to initiate a DMP session would be: finding yourself in a state of depression, anxiety, stress, chronic pain/illness, blocked feelings, reoccurring relationship difficulties, feeling stuck in any area of life. It is proven highly effective in cases of post-traumatic and dissociative reactions to catastrophe, violence, and all forms of abuse; childhood trauma, especially working with present and past life traumatic residues embedded in the physical and subtle bodies.
What to expect from a session
Sessions take place either online (via Zoom or Skype), or in person at Indigo Collective Center in Pasadena, CA. You will be asked to lie on a mat placed on the floor for the duration of the session. Wearing comfortable clothes during the session is recommended; lots of pillows provided.
Sometimes a memory can be evoked through a body sensation. The shamans of all indigenous cultures have always known through their observation of energy that our bodies store memories. Yoga is aware of that too and the concept is explained in detail in the teachings of Ashayana Deane.
Since the DMP method does not use hypnosis, during the entirety of the regression session you will be conscious of your current life body environment as well as your other life context. The method utilizes the natural ability of the human consciousness to divide its focus of attention, which all of us have experienced naturally in situations like: driving a car and listening to music; talking on the phone and doing chores, etc. Those natural dissociative abilities of the soul are implied in a different framework. Instead of using disassociation to forget, during the regression session it is used to bring disassociated memory back and integrate it within the wholeness of our being so we can consciously draw from its lessons.
During the session you will be guided to uncover the unprocessed/dissociated experience from the past, which are usually the cause of irrational complaints, concerns and/or believes adopted in your present life. Since these experiences are beyond the threshold of consciousness, we do not remember them. By re-experiencing and integrating the challenging moments, the psyche/soul re-aligns our subtle bodies and thus removes the blockages that impede our well-being, bringing us closer to mastering our life’s every day duality in a more balanced way.
Common outcomes from the sessions are: feeling of inner calm, centerdness; increased sense of self-confidence and self-acceptance; deep feeling of love, compassion and awareness; sense of attained clarity, mindfulness; self-knowledge and limitation from limiting believes and seeing the bigger picture caused by better alignment of the subtle bodies due to the regression process.
Upon completion of the regression session, you will be provided guidance with the integration process. You will also have an option to schedule an integration session with me as you deem necessary.
First regression session can last from 2 to 3.5 hours. Subsequent sessions – up to 2.5 hours.
Schedule an appointment
Regression Session in person – $ 299.00 (at Indigo Collective,Pasadena, CA), ph (626) 796-2100
Regression Session online (via Zoom/Skype) – $ 225.00
Post-regression integration session online (via Zoom/Skype) or in person ( at Indigo Collective, Pasadena, CA)- $ 120.00
Should you have any questions, please contact me at: